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Twelve Ukrainian cities join the SUN4Ukraine initiative of the EU Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission
Twelve municipalities from across Ukraine are beginning a transformative journey to climate- neutral rebuilding. They have been announced as SUN4Ukraine’s Flagship Municipalities and will be associated with the EU Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission, which aims to achieve climate neutrality in 100 European cities by 2030.

Call for Ukrainian municipalities to become associated to the EU Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission by participating in SUN4Ukraine
We are thrilled to announce a call for Ukrainian municipalities to join the SUN4Ukraine project, which supports Ukrainian cities in aligning their recovery plans with ambitious climate neutrality goals.

Ukrainian cities to receive support to integrate climate neutrality goals into their reconstruction plans
Beginning in May 2024, the Horizon Europe SUN4Ukraine project aims to assist Ukrainian cities in aligning their reconstruction plans with ambitious climate neutrality objectives.