SUN4Ukraine provides a unique opportunity for Ukrainian cities to align recovery efforts with long-term climate neutrality objectives.
How will SUN4Ukraine help Ukrainian cities?
SUN4Ukraine is funded under the EU Mission 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030. The initiative contributes to the goal of making Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.

Emission baselining and target setting
Offering tailored advice through technical workshops for major emissions domains including energy, buildings, transport, waste, water, and industry.
Developing Climate-Neutral Plans (CNPs)
Assisting cities in designing strategies, policies, and initiatives that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable practices.
Improving governance and citizen engagement
Understanding the existing barriers and levers available to Flagship Municipalities (FMs) and building a plan to enhance governance and deploy citizen engagement in designing and implementing CNPs.

Facilitating capacity building
Implementing a flexible and robust programme to enhance FMs’ climate neutrality reconstruction planning.
Reviewing funding and financing opportunities
Compiling guidance on available and upcoming funding, financing, and advisory programmes and how cities can access these resources.
Promoting replication and scale-up
Capturing lessons learned by the FMs to ensure that they share their progress and innovations with other Ukrainian cities. This will accelerate the transition to climate neutrality throughout Ukraine.
Enabling peer-learning through a Partnership programme
Providing online learning and mentoring sessions and in-person study visits between Flagship municipalities and Mission Cities to share expertise and experiences.